When I started this project in August 2019, very few documentation about 'Testing as a Service' I found, but no insights or implementation ideas whatsoever.
I did not go on this road having the classical definition of TaaS as 'an outsourcing model, in which testing activities are outsourced to a third party' , but rather create the infrastructure that allowed me to respond to these questions:
That's power, right?
During this road I started with docker, having in mind 'dream big but take small steps'.
I strongly think that the final destination of this road should be Kubernetes. The estuary stack is compatible with K8s.
I cared about the maintenance aspect over time. It helped me to design stateless, layerless and pure services.
And to conclude, I do not pretend the stack is flexible and powerful, but rather I say: convince yourself.
Run Python, Java, Nodejs ... it's up to you. The Estuary stack supports any programming language.
Imagine you run a test, a test class, a suite, multiple suites.
Spawning multiple deployments will get you the results in no-time.
Deploy start
Deploy status
Test start
Get results
Deploy end
Run many docker/kubernetes environments in the same time. Sky is the limit.
Estuary stack uses the principle: client-first in software maintenance over time.
The stack is built on the principle: do everything from client, do not bother with artifacts/layers that exists on server side
Configure the stack from env vars. This principle works very well in container world: docker/k8s/cloud.
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