Register with one of the top registration services on the market: NetflixOSS Eureka
Api access is secured through http auth token
Discover and filter all services registered in Eureka
List all test/command status started with Estuary Agent
Discovery supports sending targeted or broadcast request to the agents. The agents are listed from Eureka
Build your environments in isolated eureka server domains and the test management through discovery will work flawlessly
Very useful to control test sessions in Kubernetes
Being built on one of the best microservice engines, comes with a great deal: easy to add features and maintain
Being built on Alpine Docker and using Python3.7 makes the image lighter
Unleash the power of fluentd. Send the logs to Elasticsearch / MongoDB / Hadoop. Visualize them with Kibana / Graylog
Since Discovery acts as a rapid listing eureka apps, it is also a service aggregator: gets all deployments, tests and test results for you. That being said, it also can be used in Kubernetes to get your precious results
L7 RESTApi broadcasts to the Agents services: start test/ get test status / get test results
You don't need to implement an Eureka client. Discovery will get you all services registered in Eureka in no time
Build your own test infrastructure using estuary services
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